Date: Mon, 19 Jun 1995 19:37:52 -0700 (MST)
From: Sarah Gianetto 
To: mtn-raves 
Subject: Mindflow (the review =)

Oh, boy! *giggle*  I'll start by saying it was the best event AZ has seen.

The space was a 10-acre airplane graveyard in Tucson, but 2 acres of it 
was kind of fenced in for the event, so that kids wouldn't be running 
around playing on the planes and stuff.  There were planes, all types, 
surrounding the area...and one at the far end held the DJ booth.  It's 
cockpit was cut out, and a platform was built in its place.  The DJs had to 
climb into the plane's body, up a ladder to the upper level (where we 
think people used to sky-dive out of...or maybe it was a bomber, we 
couldn't figure it out), and walk through the body through a bunch of old 
rubble to the cockpit to spin.  The lights were held above the dance 
floor (dirt, actually, since it was outdoors) by a crane, so that they 
shot down on everyone below.   

The first DJ, Mikail (phx), played...hmmm...I'm not sure...some kind of 
techno that I can't come up with a name for heehee.  Inertia (phx) played 
from 10-midnight, ranging from funky house to funky breakbeat to progressive 
to trance.  Thee-O (LA) played an hour of hard trance.  Ron D. Core (LA) 
played his usual hardcore for 2 hours, but I before half of it was over 
(not into that, plus I was sick =).  While I was gone, Sandra Collins 
(LA) and D-Black (a 15-yr old from Dallas) played, wrapping up the event 
at around 6am.

I didn't get any numbers from the promoters, but from my usually 
inaccurate =) guestimation of people, I'd say there were 
around....oh...700-800 people there, which is *really* good for AZ.  Keep 
in mind, we're not too big =).  And most of these people were there by 11 
o'clock.  The promoters, whose names escape me, were definitely not out 
to make were only $10 presale, and if you just imagine 
what it costs to insure an airplane graveyard.......I doubt they even 
broke even =) But they were happy, and so was I.  It was a very 
refreshing change to our usual events, and the vibe was happy =) happy =) 
happy =)

I think that's all...  

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          ***************         Gianetto        ***************
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